Shoulder and Arm Pain Chiropractic Treatment and Relief Options
Shoulder pain and arm pain often are a result of one another. Your shoulder (or GH joint) is the most moveable joint in the body. With all this range of motion occurring in the GH joint it is often the site of dysfunction and pain. The shoulder is composed of four rotator cuff muscles, which when working in harmony help keep the shoulder centrated in the socket. Any muscle imbalance in one of these four muscles causes abnormal joint motion and stress/strain to the soft tissues in the area often resulting in pain down the arm/into the hand, and trouble moving your arm overhead.
Abnormal motion of the shoulder/dysfunction causes forces and motion to be compensated for elsewhere in the body. This is often the cause of neck pain.
Common Causes of Shoulder Pain and/or Arm Pain
Strains from overuse
Tendinitis from overuse
Shoulder joint instability
Carpal tunnel
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Collar or upper arm bone fractures
Frozen shoulder
Pinched nerves (also called radiculopathy)
Shoulder Pain Treatment at Behm Muscle & Joint Clinic
At Behm Muscle & Joint Clinic we conduct a complete assessment of your shoulder and neck utilizing movement based tests as well as orthopedic tests to determine the cause of your pain. Our services include soft tissue therapies, corrective exercise and manipulations. The combined therapy of the three have been researched and proven to resolve issues related to musculoskeletal disorders. Our clinic prides itself in correcting the problem causing the pain and having the patient be an active participant in their treatments.
New Patients Are Always Welcome
Behm Muscle & Joint Clinic is accepting new patients, if you or anyone you know is suffering from shoulder pain and/or arm pain please don’t hesitate to give us a call and schedule an appointment. Let us help you move BETTER, feel BETTER, and live BETTER!
Content written by Dr. Adam Behm, DC, CCSP®
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