Wrist and Hand Joint Pain – Chiropractic Relief

Wrist Pain Causes
The wrist is the joint where the lower arm meets the hand. But what we refer to as one joint is actually comprised of many joints (two arm bones meeting four hand bones) so there are many factors that need to be considered when diagnosing a wrist injury. Pain in the wrist is often the result of repetitive stress injuries. Compression of nerves in the neck (cervical spine) can also cause pain that radiates into the wrist and hand. It is imperative to get proper treatment for wrist injuries promptly as the development of scar tissue and injuries left untreated can lead to chronic, painful conditions that are less responsive to treatment
Various Types of Wrist Pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on a nerve (median nerve) in the wrist. The symptoms include tingling, numbness, weakness, or pain of the fingers and hand.
Tendon pain is actually a symptom of tendinosis, a series of very small tears (microtears) in the tissue in or around the tendon. In addition to pain and tenderness, common symptoms of tendon injury include decreased strength and movement in the affected area.
De Quervain’s disease can occur in the hand and wrist when tendons and the tendon covering (sheath) on the thumb side of the wrist swell and become inflamed.
Repetitive motion syndrome is a term used to describe symptoms such as pain, swelling, or tenderness that occur from repeating the same motion over and over.
Trigger finger or trigger thumb occurs when the flexor tendon and its sheath in a finger or thumb thicken or swell.
Dupuytren’s disease is an abnormal thickening of tissue beneath the skin in the palm of the hand or hands and occasionally the soles of the feet. The thickened skin and tendons (palmar fascia) may eventually limit movement or cause the fingers to bend so that they can’t be straightened. See a picture of Dupuytren’s contracture.
Ganglion cysts are small sacs (cysts) filled with clear, jellylike fluid that often appear as bumps on the hands and wrists but can also develop on feet, ankles, knees, or shoulders.
New Patients Are Always Welcome at Behm Muscle & Joint Clinic
At Behm Muscle & Joint Clinic we conduct a complete assessment of your wrist pain utilizing orthopedic, neurologic, and range of motion tests to determine the cause of your wrist pain. Our therapy consists of manual therapies to provide relief combined with rehabilitation exercises. If you are experiencing any wrist pain or discomfort, give us a call at 402-292-1450 or schedule an appointment.
Content written by Dr. Adam Behm, DC, CCSP®
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